
Posts Tagged ‘Creamy Rigatoni with Broccoli and Brie’

Isn’t it cool that we have one day devoted to our amazing planet and safeguarding its future?  I love Earth Day.  And there are so many fun things that you can do with your family to celebrate, whether you want to plant a tree, pick up trash in your neighborhood, or start composting.

This year, rain or shine, I’m hoping to take my five- and two-year-old children on a nature trek.  Our walks usually entail me sneaking in a quick workout while they kick back in the “baby” jogger—but on Earth Day it’ll be their turn to explore.  I’ll follow their lead, stopping to inspect plants, bugs, birds, and squirrels.  If it’s raining, we’ll don rain coats, splash in puddles, and look at worms.  I loved to explore the woods as a kid and I want to foster in my children that same love of nature.


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